Cloud defensive
Mission configurable handhelp (MCH)
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Every Day Carry (EDC) Light Head
- 18650 Single Output option: 40,000 Candela/1400 Lumens/120 minutes
- 18650 Dual Output option: 4,000 Candela/140 Lumens (LOW), 40,000 Candela/1400 Lumens/120 minutes (HIGH)
High Candela (HC) Light Head
- 18650 Single Output option: 71,000 Candela/1100 Lumens/150 minutes
- 18650 Dual Output option: 7,000 Candela/110 Lumens (LOW), 71,000 Candela/1100 Lumens/150 minutes (HIGH)
- Mission Configurable Handheld
- UI2 Charger
- 1 Battery
- 3 ND Protectors
- Thyrm LPC**Note: The Thyrm Switchback is NOT Included with the light**